Our Story

Hello, and thank you for visiting Lights ON! CANCER!

First and foremost, our primary goal is to: “Create awareness and support for those affected by cancer”.

Omni Creative Labs, dba:  Lights ON CANCER is a non-profit corporation established and registered in the state of Texas (recently migrated from ND), and federally filed under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). We are technically a non-profit business, which allows us to be diverse with how we procure funding for our philanthropy projects.

In essence, what we do is: manufacture or purchase products to sell which generates funds for us to donate and fulfill philanthropic tasks.

A few ways we use our funds: 

  • Create "battle boxes" containing various tangible items that are intended to help those travelling for medical needs to help ease their days during treatment or recovery (power bank and charge cords for a digital device, blanket, journal, pens, pencil, awareness band etc.)
  • Donate fuel cards or various gift cards to those affected by cancer diagnosis
  • Seasonal mailings like Christmas cards to our prior connections
  • We also donate a portion of proceeds from our business operations to the Mayo Clinic Cancer Research Center.

Our 4 Pillars of duty:  

  • Support:  (supporting the people who need it most)
  • Awareness:  (furthering awareness about cancer and its effects)
  • Victory:  (over-arching goal that one day everyone will be free or victorious over cancer)
  • Empathy:  (extending empathy to patients, their families and all affected)

Together these pillars identify the core of our purpose, SAVE people from the effects of a vicious battle with cancer. We can't do it alone nor can we single handedly defeat it but this passion must be part of our mission and a reminder as we progress through our daily activities.

We’re just getting started and there’s a lot coming down the pipeline, a little something for everyone! If you follow us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/lightsoncancer you can keep up with our activities, donations, events and new products as they become available. We prefer to partner with local companies, small businesses and really anyone that can help us create a more powerful force to battle the ferocious villain that is cancer.

Got a question or comment about what we are doing or any of our products? Give us a shout via email, Facebook, or check out our blogs, we would be more than happy to hear from you. Every order is handled by a real person, carefully packed, shipped and communicated with you every step of the way. Thanks for visiting, we hope to serve you, and those in need!


To read more about Lights ON! CANCER, click <HERE>